Blog post

Taking the first steps towards change…

I have found during this lock down, along with many other people the need to get to grips with video calling, which I was very resistant to, and actually still am. I dislike it, the delay, the way I look (and my house), the way everyone tries not to talk over each other, you leave a pause for someone else to speak but so does everyone else, then we all start speaking together. However it definitely helps mentally to actually see other people even if we can’t be physically in the same place.

Being connected to others is one of the ways to help us stay well and adapting to this new way of communicating I have found difficult. Maybe you have too, along with trying to adapt and deal with this whole situation, the isolation, fear and uncertainty?

This post is about maybe now is the time to prioritise your wellbeing, by actually seeking professional help and how to go about it.  Maybe you have wanted to before but put it off, telling yourself you ‘should’ be fine, you ‘should’ be coping better, you ‘should… ‘ left blank so you can fill in with your own unhelpful thought.

Well I am a huge advocate for counselling and feel that there is no better time to seek help.

Taking the first step to change anything can be the hardest, everyone’s situation and life circumstances are different, your anxiety may be through the roof, you may have lost someone, you may be feeling alone, isolated, scared.  Maybe you have lost your job and had to deal with the stress of claiming benefits, maybe your drinking has increased and is concerning you, maybe you feel so low every day is turning into a struggle but you don’t want to take medication, I could go on. Having someone that is professionally trained to assist, to listen and to help you to make sense of your struggles and difficulties is surely only a good thing?

The counselling profession, that is based around the importance of human connection, building a trusting and healing relationship, the need for a safe space, is working hard to adapt to on-line counselling, to be able to at least try and meet the need.

The whole Coronavirus pandemic has forced us to change the way we live, we have all adapted and adjusted, sometimes positively, sometimes reluctantly and certainly in many different ways. Having therapy is an adjustment in itself, thinking about things, talking about things that you may not have ever talked about before, processing your feelings, feeling anxious that your going to be judged, questioning if its working and then waiting a week to do it again.   

However, if you feel like you’re struggling, there is no shame in that and seeking support might be the first step to feeling better. 

I encourage you to start the process now as it may not be instant that you can start, you may have to start online but with a plan to meet in person when this is safe and available. If you don’t even know where to begin in finding a service near you here are some ideas…

This link is to the charity Mind which gives more information on talking therapies and how to find a therapist.

You could ask your GP, at your surgery or Google for low cost counselling services in your local area.

Counselling Directory is another option, this lists local counsellors and therapists in your area, private therapists usually will cost more that local low-cost services however some will offer reduced rates in regards to your situation and income, so definitely ask.

I know finances are a worry for most people at the moment too and accessing therapy might seem like a ‘luxury’ or too expensive, however I would urge you to rethink this, if paying someone helps you to feel better, which leads to you feeling more motivated, connected, able to deal with everyday problems, the long term affect is priceless/invaluable.

I believe for some people, not all, that financially prioritising seeking help will have a positive knock on effect with other areas of your life.

Maybe do some research first, read some stories of people that have found it useful?

Please let me know your thoughts below and ideas about what you would like to hear about in the future?