Take Notice (no. 4 of the 5 Ways to Wellbeing)
Taking notice is about pausing…
Taking notice is about being aware of what you are doing when you are doing it. For example, taking a moment to look at your surroundings, noticing the sounds, smells maybe the warmth on your face from the sun, the crisp leaves underfoot (which will be here in no time).
It may be to really notice the taste of what you are eating instead of just eating…whilst thinking about what you need to do next, or are still trying to do at the same time?
How often do you look up?
Walking down a street people have their heads down, or in their phone, or are distracted by their chattering thoughts. If you look up you may see buildings you’ve never noticed before, trees swaying in the breeze, clouds drifting across the sky. Taking notice may be for a few seconds, minutes at a time but trying to incorporate this habit into your day will have positive effects on your Wellbeing.
We are breathing, but how often do you notice your breath? Is it shallow? Fast? Deep? Relaxed? Just stopping to take notice of your breath can help you re-set your mind. Trouble sleeping? Have you tried focusing on your breath? Below are links to information about the breath, breathing techniques, the benefits of taking notice of it, even the Navy Seals are trained to count their breath to calm themselves. Surely if its good enough for the Navy Seals?
You can Take Notice at any point of the day…
If you are following and trying out some of the other Ways to Wellbeing, you can really take notice of your friend when you are connecting, you could notice how your body is feeling when you are trying to be more active, or notice that you feel good for trying something new. Are you learning something new, how does this feel, spend a minute to notice any new feelings, sensations, ideas that have formed? Notice the sense of achievement or pleasure and choose to feel good about it!
Here are a few more links with ideas
Now over to you, please share and comment with any helpful ideas you may have….