5 ways to Be Active (no.3 of the 5 ways to Wellbeing)
Physical activity has been proven time and again to improve our mental health (as well as physical health obviously!) There is all this talk recently from the government about losing weight, however I am going to focus on being active for increasing our wellbeing and mental health.
Here are 5 tips to increase activity in your life.
Turning up is the hardest part…
How often do you feel better when you have done the exercise that you have been finding other reasons for not doing? Most times? Every time? Yet when it comes round again it is easy to forget that. The hardest part can be showing up, that can mean to a class, the gym, being in front of your telly to do a DVD or YouTube video, once you are there within minutes of starting you will feel better….
There is such thing as ‘runners high’ when endorphins kick in and you actually get a buzz….why do you think you see so many runners / cyclists out in all weathers when they could be doing other things instead….because it actually makes you feel good!
Fit it into your schedule
This could just be small simple changes, such as walking the kids to school instead of driving, taking time away from your desk and going for a walk, or if you’re at home you could do a online workout -something quick like 10 mins of stretches, HIIT (high impact interval training) or yoga…anything that moves your body. If you are able to schedule in and afford a class then book this in or meet a friend for a walk, offer to help in their garden if you don’t have one, you may be more likely to go if you have arranged to do it with someone else? Ask to join in with someone you know that already runs/swims/cycles/dances etc as by turning it into a social event can make it more fun.
Find what you enjoy
Did you notice that you started going for a walk during lock down, when before you didn’t take a 30 minute ‘form of exercise’ every day? Did you actually enjoy it? Have you bought a bike and started going on bike rides with the kids but have seen how much they enjoy it and you actually do too? Then keep it up, lets try not to slip back into old habits of being ‘too busy’ when the kids go back to school and clubs and commitments start up again? If you enjoy the exercise you are so much more likely to keep with it, than forcing yourself to do something you can’t stand.
Small changes can make a big difference
You might feel out of breath, or overweight, or are worried that people will look at you but what about the feeling of achievement if you keep going? How good are you going to feel when you feel scared but do it anyway? Even just going outside for some fresh air, maybe walking for 10 minutes will have a beneficial affect on your wellbeing.
Set yourself a goal
Setting a goal will help to keep you motivated, this might be to walk an amount of steps each day, to complete a couch to 5k, to try a new sport, to join a club and become part of a sport team…whatever it is set something that will require some effort but will be achievable. Do be careful and realistic as it is important to not do too much too soon as you may get injured or discouraged and this will only put you off, you can start your activity slowly and build up.
Here are some helpful links and resources to staying active…
This link below has details of app’s you can download to track your activity…
*After I wrote this before checking it and posting it, I actually thought practice what you preach and went out for a walk, it had just stopped raining, was still, peaceful and I connected with several people also out walking, it never fails to surprise me how nearly everyone says hello or smiles*