Blog post

15 helpful things to remind yourself…

Whatever today’s been like for you sometimes it helps to hear and be reminded of something positive in this world of uncertainty. Some of these ideas may relate to you more than others, some might be relevant today and others you may want to think about in the future…

1 Your current situation is only temporary… “the only constant in life is change” (Heraclitus)

2. Stop for a minute and breathe, notice your breath, then maybe take a few deeper breaths and slow your breath down a bit, sometimes just doing this for literally a few seconds can help to reset and refocus, give you self-time to catch up and process what you are trying to deal with.

3. Moving your body will make you feel better – whether this is some light stretching, or going for a walk or a run, moving your body can release tension and change your energy.

4. You are not alone, even if you truly feel you are there are people that would like to hear from you. Whether this is a support group, a family member or even someone that you don’t know such as Samaritans (tel 116123)

5. Your past does not define you, whatever you have survived already and have found difficult and painful, try to remind yourself how far you have come and how far you can still go.

6. You are strong.

7. Try to find an alternative to scrolling through the news or social media, whether you start this when you are feeling good and end up feeling down, or start this when you are down and end up feeling worse. Put your phone down and do something else, or read something helpful and inspiring on your phone instead, take a look at the Happiful app

8. Keep a journal – whether this is in the form or a diary, or pictures/drawings, maybe things you have collected, by writing down our thoughts and worries can reframe them and help to make them less scary or confusing.

9. Write down your dreams and inspirations, whether this is something small or something you currently feel is totally unachievable, by writing them down now can give you focus and start the process of the first steps to following a new path.

10. Make time – we all have the same amount of time every day, we all have different lives and commitments, but those people that are happiest have made (or chosen) time for the things that make them feel good. This might be cooking and eating well, it might be spending time with loved ones – this can also mean a phone call, it might be reading a book they’re loving, or doing 10 squats whilst the advert break is on! I like this blog post from Marc and Angel about addressing and changing what is on your ‘plate’

11. Be kind to yourself, would you really talk to a friend the way you talk to yourself?

12. There will be bad days but the bad days and times can help us to appreciate the good times that little bit more.

13. We all need help sometimes, please ask for it, none of us are mind readers.

14. Stop for a minute and breathe, notice your breath, then maybe take a few deeper breaths and slow your breath down a bit, sometimes just doing this for literally a few seconds can help to reset and refocus, give you self-time to catch up and process what you are trying to deal with.

15. There are some things you can control and other things you cannot, by noticing and separating these you will find that thoughts, time and energy are spent on things that you are unable to change. Focus on what you can control, by looking after yourself, your needs and those that you love will help you feel less overwhelmed by our current global situation.  

I would love to hear from you, please help by commenting and adding to this list…what works for you? What positive affirmations work for you to help stay positive?