Blog post


Firstly to get a good night sleep we need to think about what we do in the day.

It is important to notice if you have moved your body, such as any form of exercise or stretching. If this hasn’t been possible today and your mind feels full, of work, or projects, or the never ending ‘to do list’ can you write some of these down before bed?

This will help your mind to recognise that it doesn’t need to keep reminding you about what you need to do, haven’t finished, haven’t even got round to planning.

Did you get some fresh air and enough light? Sunshine can be limited in this country and this time of year, but it is important to try and build in some time outside into our day. Such as walking a short distance that you would normally drive, having your morning tea or coffee outside, leaving your desk at lunchtime and having a walk around the block.

What about food…going to bed hungry or too full will impact digestion and therefore your sleep.

There are lots of tips for assisting with getting off to sleep such as

  • Avoiding caffeine
  • Reading a book or magazine not from a screen, your phone or other devices.
  • Meditation, try free apps such as insight timer or
  • Listening to an audio book
  • Do you need to use an eye mask or ear plugs to help create a quiet and dark environment?

If you wake up in the night studies have shown that it can help to get up after half an hour and do something else, before going back to bed. Reading, journalling, having a warm (caffeine free) drink.

Check out the sleep charity for much more information and resources.

It is important to remember when you are not sleeping well everything can be affected; relationships and how you feel about yourself, how you feel, your tolerance and patience, your creativity, your motivation and decision making.

It will affect you physically such as your appetite and energy.

We can feel down, unable to cope, worry we may be getting depressed or isolating ourselves, but sometimes making a conscious effort to improve your sleep can improve all of the above!

These ideas are to think about as additional resources, not as a replacement to seeing your doctor or seeking further support if you need.
